Regardless, your file should automatically load in on game start, so you can test things as you go. I'll see if I can't make a more in-depth guide in the future.
Hopefully it will make more sense looking at the file.
Translate the NAME and DESCRIPTION portions, leave the TARGET alone.
Choices are formatted as "NAME_|_DESCRIPTION_|_TARGET" in the file. FB_1, CG_Elevator), any of the keys ("name", "lines", "choices", "ALL", "FIRST", "RANDOM", "SHOP"), and don't change the number of choices/lines. At the bottom of the file there is a group titled "info." Make sure to change the name in here to the language you're targeting (it shouldn't be the same name as another language file). From here, just make a copy, rename it, and go. For those interested in translating, the script is located in the "Languages" folder titled english.json (on Steam, click on Manage > Browse Local Files). This update was for future proofing the rest of the game and making volunteer translations possible. Official translations will not be offered for the demo as we have no way of providing or validating them. Insert something about bad trade deals here. For English, nothing should be different. The base text engine was rebuilt to read from an external script file, located within the install directory of The Dark Egg. The (secretly) biggest change of this patch is the new possibility for translations.